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100 Maximas From Imam Ali (A.S)&Imam Ali Bin Musa Al-Rida (A.S)

100 Maximas From Imam Ali (A.S)&Imam Ali Bin Musa Al-Rida (A.S)

100 Maximas From Imam Ali (A.S)&Imam Ali Bin Musa Al-Rida (A.S)

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100 Maximas From Imam Ali (A.S)&Imam Ali Bin Musa Al-Rida (A.S)

Selection From Sermons Of Imam Ali (Peace Be Upon Him) And His Injunction   ِبسمِِ اللهِ اَلرَّحمنِ الرَّحيمِ In The Name of Allah. The All-compassionate The All-merciful 1- أقِيلوا ذَوِي الُمُروءَاتِ عَثَرَاتِهِم فَمَا يَعثُرُ مِنهُم عَاثِرٌ إلِّا وَيَدُ الله بِيَدِهِ َيرفَعُهُ. 1- Overlook and forgive the weaknesses of generous people, because if they fall down Hand of God lifts them.   Source: alhassanain.com