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A Journey to God with Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom in light of Universal Laws

A Journey to God with Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom in light of Universal Laws

A Journey to God with Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom in light of Universal Laws

Author :

Jasser Auda

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A Journey to God with Ibn Ata’s Words of Wisdom in light of Universal Laws

This book is meant to be a ‘journey’—a journey for God, with God, and to God, although He is truly close to us, much closer than we ever think. And if My servants ask you about Me—behold, I am near (Quran 2:186). We are closer to the human than his neck-vein (Quran 50:16). In Ibn Ata’s words: “There is no real distance between you and Him in order for you to journey. And the connection between you and Him is not cut such that you must mend it.” God is very near—we are the ones who are far away! God is closer to us than our neck-veins, we are the ones who are disconnected! This is why we must “journey” to Him, and learn how to come closer to Him.