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Be like a Bee (What a Bee can teach to believers)

Be like a Bee (What a Bee can teach to believers)

Be like a Bee (What a Bee can teach to believers)

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Be like a Bee (What a Bee can teach to believers)

In this book, we have presented the ayahs from Surah An-Nahl where Allah explains how it orders the female bees to take homes in mountains, trees and what humans make for them. We then elaborate the blessings from bees dwelling in what humans prepare for them to be taken as home and how it gives rise to the field of bee-farming. Following that is the explanation of Quranic miracle by calling female bees to do these tasks, the fact that was not proven by science till recent times after the invention of microscopes. It is a clear sign of any person with an open heart to accept the beautiful message of Islam.