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Prophecies about Occultation of Imam Al Mehdi (a.s)

Prophecies about Occultation of Imam Al Mehdi (a.s)

Prophecies about Occultation of Imam Al Mehdi (a.s)

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First Edition

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9987 620 23 X

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Prophecies about Occultation of Imam Al Mehdi (a.s)

This booklet contains some Prophecies about the Occultation of Imam al-Mahdi (a.s.). It shows that this belief was prevalent among the Shi'as and even some Sunnis right from the time of the Leader of the Faithful, 'Ali (a.s.) Poems based on this belief were composed and recited in the presence of Imam as-Sadiq (a.s.). It also points to some historical developments that re-confirm the existence and impact of those prophecies. Three great non-Shi'a traditionists wrote books on Imam al-Mahdi's ghaybah long before his birth in 255 A.H. They undeniably prove the truth of the Occultation and Reappearance of the Sahibu 'l-'Asr — the Master of this Time. May Allah hasten his reappearance.