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The Hajj as Worship and Education

The Hajj as Worship and Education

The Hajj as Worship and Education

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Tehran, Iran

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The Hajj as Worship and Education

Literally, Hajj refers to the intention of visiting a place. The Holy Qur'an transfers the meaning of Hajj from its lexical general meaning to a traditionally specific meaning which denotes the annual pilgrimage to the Holy Ka'ba in Mecca, one of the religious duties of Islam. The great annual gathering called Hajj, is a collection of rites and ceremonies, offered by Muslims, who are bound to carry out religious duties, in a specific place and during a specific time set by Islam, similar to the way the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) did. Hajj is so called because the Muslim who performs it goes to Mecca, the Sacred House, at the start of Dhul-Hijjah (the eleventh month of the Muslim calendar) and visits other sacred places like Arafat, Mina and Muzdalifah to offer his devotions.