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When He Will Come

When He Will Come

When He Will Come

Author :


Interpreter :

Naba Organization

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When He Will Come

A very beautiful and story approach of Sayed Mahdi Shojaiee for describing waiting of Imam e Zaman (atfs)! The deer said: “This is a great pain, but my main Injury is very deep. My pain is the pain of awaiting and expectation. The pain of this life is mixed with escape. Everyday, from morning to evening, I am in a state of escape and avoidance either from the hands of the hunter or from the fear of the wild animals. Impatiently and uneasily, I am always running. In the night, due to extreme tiredness and fatigue, I fall down in a corner. But even those nights, I do not feel asleep due to fear and restlessness. I know that I shall not be in such a condition for ever; I know that a day will come when a person will surely come and will bring with himself peace and tranquility. I have heard that when he will come, no wolf will eat the child of a deer and the arrow of no hunter will strike at the legs of any deer. I know that surely someone will come but I do not know who he is or when he will come.”