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Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

Publication year :


Publish location :

Qom - Iran

Number of volumes :


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Comparative Study of Shared Views of Muslim and Non-Muslim Scholars on Philosophy and Education

Philosophy in the present book is considered as a discipline which consists of the branches ontology, epistemology and axiology. In the beginning of each chapter, a short introduction has been written about the personality and biography of the two (or four) philosophers investigaed in that chapter. Philosophers studied and compared in this book are as follows: Tusi and Aristotle, Ghazali and Aquinas, Ibn Miskawayh and Aquinas, Farabi and Spinoza, Ibn Sina and Edwards, and Rumi, Sa'di and Rousseau, Dewey. We live in a world where everything is always about me: my religion, my house, my phone..etc., forgetting on many occasions that there is a world beyond our own petty existence. In this context, the content of this book is a refreshing reminder that everything is not always about me but about us. Us, who believe, regardless of birth place, descend, religion or gender, that there is a God, a higher power that we all strive to know and to Whom we will all return in the end. We, as a whole, can always find things that unite us despite all out differences. This applies to how we think about philosophy and education.