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Imam Khomieni, the Embodiment of Islamic Morals

Imam Khomieni, the Embodiment of Islamic Morals

Imam Khomieni, the Embodiment of Islamic Morals

Interpreter :

Safiulla Khan

Publication year :


Publish number :


Publish location :

Tehran, Iran

Number of volumes :


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Imam Khomieni, the Embodiment of Islamic Morals

Imam Khomeini's personality excelled in many dimensions. Many are those who stood perplexed and bewildered before the breadth and depth of this unique Islamic creation's dimensions, at a time when people were in sheer adoration of his personality, dissolving themselves in love of it to such an extent that was indescribable. The manifestations of love and ado­ ration were expressed in an unprecedented manner in history when people welcomed his return to Iran before the victory of the Islamic Revolution and when his pure remains were bade farewell to by millions until reaching the final abode. These were all manifestations of the adoration and love for this great Imam and the Islamic qualities that he possessed, a combination of which (profundity and purity) comes rare in a man's personality. This book represents the expression of an infatuated and enthralled writer of his fiery heart in respect to the great Imam Khomeini and of that shining in his thought with regard to those dimensions inherent in that unique personality .