Mankind and Satan

Mankind and Satan
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Mankind and Satan
Who is the devil? A question that always crosses our minds, finding no answer to it. The devil is unseen to us, he sees us but we cannot see him. He whispers in our ears and insinuates evil (thoughts, doubts, fears, suggestions..) into our minds without knowing where is he? Or what does he do? And the question persists, who is the devil? Allah, all praise and glory is to Him, out of mercifulness to our minds told us who the devil is, and the story of his enmity against mankind and how can we confront him and defeat him and defeat all the seen and the unseen powers in the entire universe. Allah, Blessed and Exalted is He, orders us to seek refuge with Him from the devil because Allah, Whose Majesty reigns supreme, is The Omnipotent, highly above all His creatures, whether believers or disbelievers, obedient or disobedient, those given free choice or those without power of free choice. This captivating piece of literature takes a compelling look into satan's roles through the ages.This book should Inshallah help the reader to understand the tools and limitations of mankind's greatest enemy.