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Nahjul-Balagha (Path of Eloquence)

Nahjul-Balagha (Path of Eloquence)

Nahjul-Balagha (Path of Eloquence)

Author :

Syed al-Radi

Publisher :

Publication year :


Number of volumes :


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Nahjul-Balagha (Path of Eloquence)

Perhaps it may have happened to you, and if not, you may still visualize it: Someone lives on your street or in your neighborhood for years. You see him at least once a day and habitually nod to him as you pass by. Years pass by in this manner till, one day, you accidentally get an opportunity to sit down with him and become familiar with his ideas, views and feelings, his likes and dislikes. You are amazed at what you have come to know about him. You never imagined or guessed that he might be as you found him and never thought that he was what you later discovered him to be.