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Sculpting the Perfect Mother in You

Sculpting the Perfect Mother in You

Sculpting the Perfect Mother in You

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Sculpting the Perfect Mother in You

Imam Reza (AS) has said : “Treat your offspring with the best of manners (akhlaq), and be good to them; for they think that you are the providers of sustenance for them.” (Biharul Anwar vol.74, pg.77)

Guidance of mankind is such an essential task that the Almighty Allah arranged for the guides before the creation of Man, so that man is not deprived of guidance even for a single moment. This guidance is sometimes through the internal guide within us (Intellect - Aql), and sometimes through the external guides present in the form of Prophets and Imams. None can deny the fact, the man himself must be prepared to accept this guidance in its true sense. A mother’s lap is the first school that can provide the society with such virtuous individuals. Considering the example of our Infallibles, we see the Hazrat Fatima Zahra (SA) was the great mother who gave personalities like Bibi Zainab(SA), Imam Hasan( AS) and Imam Hussain (AS). Our ulema have also accepted the fact that, it was due to their mothers efforts and upbringing, that they have reached such sublime states. Aghae Muqaddas Ardebli, Syed Murtudha, Syed Razi, Imam Khomeni and besides these, little children of today’s age like the Haafiz e Quran Syed Mohammed Hussain Tabatabai and Agha Sadiq Waziri have all given the credit of their successful lives to their mothers. Each of us desire that our children too, like these children, serve Islam. But generally, the question that arises is: HOW? In light of the Islamic traditions and under the guidance of our ulama, this book tries to answer this question to some extent.