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The Infallibles Series - Commander of the Faithful ALI (a.s)

The Infallibles Series - Commander of the Faithful ALI (a.s)

The Infallibles Series - Commander of the Faithful ALI (a.s)

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The Infallibles Series - Commander of the Faithful ALI (a.s)

This text is a prelude, a brief introduction, for what will be coming: a detailed biography of the Commander of the Faithful (as), his family members, many-faceted genius, superiority to all his contemporaries with the exception of only his father-in-law and cousin, the most revered Prophet of Islam (P), his literary legacy, including Nahjul-Balagha…, and much, much more. I very badly need the prayers of my brothers and sisters who read and appreciate this material in order to fulfill this pledge. Since I returned from the United States back home to Iraq in September of 2003, I have been living here in Iraq where people struggle for basic necessities: water and electricity, and where one who goes out of his house does not know if he will return to his family. Many do not. And it happens every day. This morning, June 28, 2012, three bomb explosions rocked our city, al-Kadhimiyya, waking my two children up frightened. The explosions were so violent, they shook our house. Many such explosions are not even reported in the news media… So, if you like this material, please pray for me and for my family especially since I am getting old… Yet even old people have to be productive; they must pay the rent of being on this planet!