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To Be With the Truthful

To Be With the Truthful

To Be With the Truthful

Interpreter :

Hasan M. Najafi

Publish number :


Publication year :


Number of volumes :


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To Be With the Truthful

An extension of the book "Then I was Guided" by the same author, with the purpose of elaborating with further evidence on the truthfulness of Shia beliefs. The author wrote this book as a sequel to his earlier and most famous book, 'Then I was Guided', as more and more readers asked for further details of the miscellaneous subjects in the book which concerned the issues creating controversy among the large number of Muslims - Sunnah and Shi'ah. The author has compiled the book in the same style as that of his former book while acquainting the truth seeking reader with the minute details of issues and sucjects that needed more furnishing. Doctrines and beliefs of both the sects have been discussed openly. Following it are the proofs for Imam Ali's guardianship. The belief in fate and destiny has been compared elaborately between the two sects. The many branches of religion and practices that Shia follow like belief in infallibility, Imams' knowledge, Taqqiyah, Mutah, performing two prayers together, Restoration to life, extravagance in loving the Imams and lastly Al-Mahdi (a), the Awaited have been discussed and proven right in a profound manner.