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How to gain proximity to the Imam of the Age

How to gain proximity to the Imam of the Age

How to gain proximity to the Imam of the Age

Author :


Interpreter :

Dr. Hassan Najafi

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How to gain proximity to the Imam of the Age

During the dark period of this occultation it is beneficial for the Shias and sincere believers to be reminded about the solitude of the Imam of the Age (a.s.). Therefore, seeking assistance from the respected mother of Hazrat Hujjat (a.s.), Her Eminence, Narjis Khatoon some points are mentioned briefly in this treatise regarding the loneliness of the Imam of the Age (a.s.). The aim of writing this book is to reduce the loneliness of the Imam of the Age to some extent and to please him and during period of this loneliness let us gain the nobility of spending some moments in the court of Yusuf Zahra (a.t.f.s.).