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Jihad During the Occultation of Imam (ajfj)

Jihad During the Occultation of Imam (ajfj)

Jihad During the Occultation of Imam (ajfj)

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Jihad During the Occultation of Imam (ajfj)

During the time of occultation of Imam ajfj, the followers of Ahlul Bayt asws are instructed to observe Taqqiya, remain quiet, without involving in government/political struggles and wait until there is a call from the Skies and the earth shows signs of splitting-up. An armed struggle in the leadership of a nonmasoom leader is disbelief, i.e., consuming dead animals, blood and pork for food. Infallible Imams asws after the Martyrdom of Imam Hussain asws, as per Divine Instructions, did not support any uprising against the unjust rulers of their asws time, although theyasws were very well aware of cruel and un-Islamic practices of the governors of Bani Ummaid and Bani Abbas dynasties, ruling over the Muslim land. Instead, they asws discouraged theirasws followers in taking part in such struggles and instructed them to wait for the coming of the ‘Saviour ajfj’, who will appear at a specific time in the future.