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Muhammad (pbuh) Foretold in the Bible by Name

Muhammad (pbuh) Foretold in the Bible by Name

Muhammad (pbuh) Foretold in the Bible by Name

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Muhammad (pbuh) Foretold in the Bible by Name

The Bible is a collection of so many books (39 of the OT (Old Testament) and 27 of the NT (New Testament), i.e. 66, in the Protestant Bible; and some 9 books of Apocrypha more in the Catholic Bible) claimed to be divinely revealed to some prophets.Although it is believed that these books were not committed to writing during the lifetime of the prophets to whom they were ascribed, yet it is claimed that they were written by some inspired persons. Its first part is called OT (Old Testament) and which relates to the prophets before the advent of Jesus Christ (pbAh) and the second part is called NT (New Testament) which is attributed to Jesus Christ (pbAh) and his disciples.