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Para 30 Translation

Para 30 Translation

Para 30 Translation

Publisher :

Feroz Sons

Publish location :

Lahore - Pakistan

Number of volumes :


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Para 30 Translation

In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful (1) About what are they questioning one another? (2) (Is it) concerning the great news, (3) About which they are differing?(4) However,they will soon know! (5) Then indeed shall they know! (6) Have We not laid the earth a bedding? (7) And the mountains as pegs? (8) We created you in pairs. (9) We made your sleep for rest. (10) We made the night as a covering. (11) We made the day for (seeking) livelihood, (12) We established above you seven strong (skies). (13) We set a glittering lamp (sun). (14) We send down abundant water from rainy clouds, (15) So that We may produce thereby corn and vegetations, (16) And thick orchards. (17) Surely the Day of Sorting Out has been appointed, (18) The day when the trumphet will be sounded and you will come out in crowds, (19) The sky will be opened wide as if it were gates, (20) The mountains will be moved off as if they were a mirage. (21) Certainly, Hell is an ambush. (22) A resort for the rebellious persons.