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Say As Universe Says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

Say As Universe Says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

Say As Universe Says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

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Say As Universe Says Laa ilaaha illa Allaah

Allaah The Almighty has created all of His worshipers as Muslims, testifying the Oneness of Allaah The Almighty; however, the devils came to them and changed their  religion and corrupt their faith. Allaah The Almighty says in Al-Hadeeth Al-Qudsi: ‘I have created all My slaves with the inclination to worship Me alone, but the devils come to them and turn them away from their religion. They forbid to them that which I have permitted to them, and they tell them to associate others with Me,  for which I have not sent down any authority.”1 So whenever people commit any form of Shirk, Allaah The Almighty sends His Prophets, peace be upon them, with the suitable forms of Tawheed. Some of them have disbelieved in the Lord, the Creator such as Thamood and Fir‘awn… so Allaah The Almighty sent the Prophets, peace be upon them, to inform them about their Lord and their Creator as Moosa (Moses), peace be upon him, said to Fir‘awn (as Allaah The Almighty says on his behalf)