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Words of Love Fear and Hope

Words of Love Fear and Hope

Words of Love Fear and Hope

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Words of Love Fear and Hope

Love is the cornerstone of worship. Worship is based on three pillars: love, fear and hope. Here below is a short word on this great pillar— i.e. love. 1. Definition of love [mahabbah] Ibn al-Qayim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “Love knows no boundaries. Boundaries are nothing but to prevent love from existing. Love is only manifested through love. People are only to mention its causes, factors, signs, evidence, benefits and rulings. Therefore, their logic about love is based on these six pillars where everyone differs in expressing his concept according to his/her perception, position, conditions and fluency”1. There are many definitions of love as follows2: 1- Heart inclination in [loving Allah]. 2- Preferring the beloved [Allah] over all other things. 3- Consistency with the beloved in his presence and absence. 4- The heart’s obedience to the commands of the beloved [Allah]. 5- Magnifying little sins and belittling abundant good deeds. 6- Freeing the heart from loving anything except that of Allah. 7- Your inclination and love for a thing, then preferring Allah over your soul and property. Then, making your inward and outward deeds the same and finally realize your short comings towards Him. 8- Enslaving oneself to Allah alone and freeing oneself from any other thing. 9- Engaging in seeking His pleasure through your heart and continuous remembrance of Him by the tongue. 10- Continuous occupation with Him and doing everything for His sake. This represents the permissible forms of love, if these forms were to help in loving and obeying Allah, it will be categorized among good acts of obedience; otherwise, it will be considered among prohibitions. If it neither helps in obeying nor disobeying Allah, it will remain from among permissible things.