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"Махдавийат с точки зрения Ахл аль-Бейт"

"Махдавийат с точки зрения Ахл аль-Бейт"

"Махдавийат с точки зрения Ахл аль-Бейт"

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"Махдавийат с точки зрения Ахл аль-Бейт"

Mahdawiyyat from the Ahl al-Bayt Perspective is the result of research conducted by a group of scholars led by Abd al-Karim al-Bahbani in order to most fully define the concept of Mahdawiyyat, in the sense that it should be understood by the followers of Ahl al-Bayt. In addition to substantiating the theory of Mahdawiyyat, scientists give a scientific explanation of such concepts as fair rule, Raj'at, provide historical evidence of the existence of Mahdi (may Allah hasten his coming), talk about his companions.