«Нахдж-аль-балага» (Имам Али)

«Нахдж-аль-балага» (Имам Али)

«Нахдж-аль-балага» (Имам Али)

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«Нахдж-аль-балага» (Имам Али)

The first complete translation into Russian of a book that is of great importance in the Muslim world. Nahj-ul-balaga (The Path of Eloquence) is now studied in all Arab liberal arts schools, because the language of this book is an example of the high style of "saj'", or rhymed prose. This collection is divided into three parts: sermons (khutbas), letters and aphorisms (wise sayings) respectively. They were spoken or written by Imam Ali in his own hand at different times and under different circumstances, but against the same historical background - during the first political turmoil that swept the Islamic state two decades after the death of the Prophet.