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A Hand Through The Door for My New Sister

A Hand Through The Door for My New Sister

A Hand Through The Door for My New Sister

Author :


Publisher :

Dar Al-Khair

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A Hand Through The Door for My New Sister

This book, A Hand Through the Door for my New Sister, written by an American Muslimah (female Muslim), is a reference work covering numerous aspects of the religion which are of concern to the sea of new sisters whom Allah has guided to be members of the religion of truth and guidance, Islam. It also, however, equally concerns Muslim ladies of all backgrounds and levels who desier to learn various aspects of their religion. Of the matters this book discusses are the pillars of Islam, the articles of faith, tawhid (monotheism), and its opposite (shirk), the dress of a believing lady, rulings pertaining to mense, assocations and interaction with family members, marriage, divorce, the food of the believers, repentance, death, paradise and hell, and a number of other aspects of the religion. A significant feature of this book is that the author has relied on and provided textual evidence from the Qur'an and authentic Sunnah for the many rulings presented throughout the discourse. We pray that Allah rewards the author for her work and concern and may this book of good use to all those who read it.