«ОСНОВЫ ИСЛАМА: Аллах, Посланник Аллаха, Религия»

«ОСНОВЫ ИСЛАМА: Аллах, Посланник Аллаха, Религия»

«ОСНОВЫ ИСЛАМА: Аллах, Посланник Аллаха, Религия»

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«ОСНОВЫ ИСЛАМА: Аллах, Посланник Аллаха, Религия»

In the book of Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr "FOUNDATIONS OF ISLAM: Allah, the Messenger of Allah, Religion" provides scientific conclusions and evidence of the existence of the Greatest Creator, talks about His attributes and qualities, and also scientifically substantiates the need for a prophetic mission for mankind to achieve in the process of its historical development that the purpose set for it by the Creator. This book is distinguished by a highly scientific style of presentation and the harmony of the arguments and arguments given to prove or refute the statements and provisions under consideration, certain conclusions are logically substantiated using scientific methods. The author, of course, pays special attention to the personality of the Prophet Muhammad (DBAR) and his mission, because he is the last final link in the chain of the prophetic mission.