Основы любви между мужем и женой (Согласно Корану и Сунне)

Основы любви между мужем и женой (Согласно Корану и Сунне)

Основы любви между мужем и женой (Согласно Корану и Сунне)

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Основы любви между мужем и женой (Согласно Корану и Сунне)

The All-Glorious and Exalted God desires that family life be built on balance. That is why the scientists of fiqh point out the importance of observing the parameter of equality between the merits and demerits of a husband and wife, relying on the word of the True One, may His glory and greatness be: Filthy women - filthy men. Filthy men - filthy women. And good women - good men. Good men - good women.