AL-KAWTHAR Abundance الكوثر Meccan (surah 108 • 3 ayahs)
AL-KAWTHAR Abundance الكوثر Meccan (surah 108 • 3 ayahs)
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AL-KAWTHAR Abundance الكوثر Meccan (surah 108 • 3 ayahs) »The surah that informs the Prophet Muḥammad that God has gifted him with ABUNDANCE goodness in this life and far greater resplendence in the Hereafter—for which he is instructed to ever show gratitude and charitable generosity. It takes its name from “the abundance” (al-kawthar) mentioned in verse 1. The surah comes to reassure the Prophet Muḥammad and as a retort to his enemy.« بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم IN THE NAME OF ALLAH, THE ALL-BENEFICENT, THE ALL-MERCIFUL. 1 القرآن: إنا أعطيناك الكوثر TRANSLATION: Indeed We have given you abundance. 2 القرآن: فصل لربك وانحر TRANSLATION: So pray to your Lord, and sacrifice [the sacrificial camel].1 Or ‘raise your hands.’ According to this interpretation, the phrase refers to the raising of the hands to the ears during prayers. 3 القرآن: إن شانئك هو الأبتر TRANSLATION: Indeed it is your enemy who is without posterity.