Signs: Last Days
Signs: Last Days
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Below you will find the excerpt from Day of Judgement by Moulana Sayyid Saeed Athtar Rizvi, 1978. (Moulana's source is Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III). The hadith is a conversation between Holy Prophet Muhammad S.A.W.W. and the great Salman-e-Farsi R.A. Make sure to take mental notes on how many of these signs we have now seen in the world; some to such an extent that we take them for granted these days. Abdullah bin Abbas said that after completing the last pilgrimage (in the 10th year of Hijrah), the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. stood before the door of the Kaaba, keeping the latch of the door in his hand, and said to his companions: "Should I not tell you of the sings of the Day of Resurrection?" Salman-e-Farsi was the nearest of all there and he replied: "Surely, O Messenger of Allah." The Holy Prophet said: "Verily, amongst the Signs of the Hour is that people will neglect prayer, and will follow their own views (and desires will supersede the commandments of Allah S.W.T., they will follow only those rules which will appeal to them, and will leave other rules), and will incline towards their preferences, and will respect the wealth people (forgetting the Islamic criterion of honour, i.e. piety), and will sell the religion for worldly benefits, at that time the heart and the soul of the believer will melt (from grief) as salt melts in water, because he will see the unlawful things and will not be able to change them." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the rulers will be tyrants, the ministers transgressors, and the trustees embezzlers." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time the evil will become virtue and the virtue will become evil, the embezzlers will be trusted, and the trustworthy people will be thought untrustworthy, and the liars will be vouchsafed, and the truthful one will be considered a liar." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time women will be rulers and the concubines will be consulted, and the children will sit upon the pulpit ‘mimber’ (could mean disrespect for the mimber or such people will ascend the pulpit who will not deserve such honour), and the lie will be considered cleverness, and zakat (charity) will be disliked as fines, and the booty of war will be squandered as personal property (or in present days’ context, public property will be squandered as personal property), and man will be tyrant to this parents and will be generous to his friend, and at that time comets will appear." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the woman will become a partner of her husband in trade, and the rain will be very hot (Climate Change?), and virtuous people will remain sorrowful, and the poor person will be dishonored, and that time, the markets will come nearer (telephones/Internet), then they will say, ‘I did not sell anything’ and they will say, ‘ did not get any profit.’(greed and discontent?) Thus, you will see none who is not complaining against Allah." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life. "Oh Salman, and then it will happen that heir rulers will be such people that if they talked, they would kill them. And if they remained silent, they would confiscate their wealth, would put their honour under their feet and would shed their blood - and the people’s hearts will be full with fear, and you will not find anyone but that he would be afraid, fearful, awed and in terror." "Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, verily at that time some things will be brought from the East and some things from the West, and my Ummat (Muslims) will be dyed in them. The woe be unto the weaker people of my Ummat from them, and woe be unto those from Allah. They will not have mercy upon the little ones, and will not respect the old ones. The bodies will be human beings, and their heats will be full of Satans." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: " yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time men are contented with men, and women with women, and will challenge over the boys as they have for the girls in their family! Men make themselves look like women and women like men; women will ride on the saddle and will show off, and Allah will send his curse upon them." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time they will decorate the mosques as they do to the temples of the Christians and the Jews, and will decorate the Qur'an (without acting accordingly). The Minarets will be long and the people praying will be a lot, but in their hearts they are enemies and the tongues will differ. Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the males of my ummah will be wearing gold and silk clothing and will make clothes out of leopard/cheetah skin." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who has hold of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time adultery will be performed openly, trading will be performed with backbiting and bribe, and people will put religion down and think only of worldly affairs." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life" "Oh Salman, at that time divorce will be common and punishment will not be according to Allah's will in Islamic laws. But they must know that they are the ones who suffer, not Allah." Salman asked, "is this possible oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the singer women, music instrument, and playing music will appear, and the wicked of my ummah will go for them (will follow them)." Salman asked. "is this possible oh prophet of Allah? He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds my life." "Oh Salman, at that time the wealthy people in my ummah will go to hajj for pleasure, the middle class people in my ummah will go to hajj for trading, and the poor in my ummah will go to hajj for show off. At that time there will be people who learn the Quran not for Allah's sake. They treat that like playing instrument. There will be people who learn the religious knowledge not for Allah's sake. And the number of illegitimate children will increase. And people recite Quran in a musical way. People will race each other over the worldly material." Salman asked, "does this happen oh prophet of Allah?" He replied, "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life." "Oh Salman, this will happen when the veil of venerate will be torn apart (honors will be defiled), sins will be common, the bad will take authority over the good, lies will be plentiful, obstinacy(disputes) will be open, the number of poor will increase, and people will pride oneself because of clothing. There will be unseasonable rain, the instruments of music and gamble will be considered interesting, and will dislike amr-e-bil ma’roof (enjoining the good) and nahie-anil monkar (forbidding the evil) so much as that the true Momin (believer) at this time will be considered at the lowest degree of all amongst the ummah, the Quran reciter will backbite one another. Those are the people who will be called unclean and filthy in the kingdom of heavens." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time, the rich will not be afraid (of anything) except to the poor so much so that a beggar will continue begging between two Fridays and will not find anyone putting anything in his hands." Salman asked: "does this really happen oh prophet of Allah"? He replied: "yes, I swear to him who holds of my life "Oh Salman, at that time will talk ‘Ruuwaibidhah’." Salman asked: "And what is Ruwaibidhah? O Messenger of Allah, my father and mother be sacrificed for you." Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. said, "Such persons will talk about public affairs who had not talked in such matter before. Then in a short time, chaos will appear upon the earth, and every nation will think that chaos was only in their land (but it will cover the whole world)." "They will remain in that condition as long as Allah would wish them to remain. Then the Earth will throw out the pieces of its heart - gold, silver, and other minerals - (then the Holy Prophet S.A.W.W. pointed towards the pillars, and said), "like these in size, but on that day neither gold nor silver will be of any benefit to anyone. And this is the meaning of the words of Allah ‘So surely did come its (i.e. Qiyamat’s) SIGNS’." (Bihar-ul-Anwar, Vol. III). Source: