Understanding Islamic Finance
Basic Teachings of Islam; Tabatabai
Lectures on Ashura - new
The Social System In Islam
Light Within Me
Masterpieces of Rhetoric Methood (Nahj Al-Balagha)
A Commentary on The Holy Qur'an
Pearls of Guidance in view of Quran
Sayings and Preachings of Hazrat Ali (as)
The Meaning of the Glorious Quran
Hijab: The Islamic Commandments of Hijab
Atlas of the Quran - Places, nations, landmarks
The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam
The Muslim Family
Women in Islam
Excerpt of Guide to Truth
The Saqifah Conspiracy
Authentication of Hadith Redefining the Criteria
The General Concepts of Islam in the Quran
Forty Ahadiths an Exposition of Ethical and Mystical Traditions
Muhammad Legacy of a Prophet