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Контакты тюрок-мусульман Российской и Османской империй на рубеже XاX и XX вв

Контакты тюрок-мусульман Российской и Османской империй на рубеже XاX и XX вв

Контакты тюрок-мусульман Российской и Османской империй на рубеже XاX и XX вв

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Контакты тюрок-мусульман Российской и Османской империй на рубеже XاX и XX вв

Research by A.T. Sibgatullina “Contacts of the Muslim Turks of the Russian and Ottoman Empires at the turn of the 10th and 20th centuries”, prepared by the Istok publishing house with the support of the Islamic Culture Research Foundation and the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences in 2010, considers such problems as the situation of Russian Muslims in the territory of the Ottoman Empire, their contacts with religious leaders, Sufis and officials, the organization of their pilgrimage to Mecca, the view and attitude of Muslim intellectuals of Russia towards the Ottoman Empire, as well as the idea of ​​Russia among the subjects of the Ottoman Sultan themselves, who came to Russia for socio-political, educational purposes , the position of Turkish prisoners of war of the First World War in Russia.