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  In the face of social development and changes, as the representative of Chinese Muslims, we, the China Islamic Association, feel that we are preaching true Islamic teachings to the Muslim masses, purifying our beliefs, improving our morals, broadening our horizons, and refuting extremists and separatists. The necessity and urgency of heresy. In order to promote the healthy development of my country's Islamic religious affairs in the new century, on April 23 this year, the China Islamic Association has established the China Islamic Teaching Affairs Steering Committee. , The Great Mullah researched and approved 12 new "Wolz" articles compiled by the China Islamic Association, which are now announced for trial implementation. Participating in this work is the duty of every imam and mullah who truly loves the country and religion. On behalf of the China Islamic Educational Affairs Steering Committee, I sincerely ask everyone to show their sincerity and give us their advice.

The first chapter of the Qur'an says:  "Guide us in the right way, the way of those whom you help, not the way of those who are condemned, nor the way of those who are astray." (1:6-7) In publishing these When the new 'holz', we ask Allah's help to keep us on the right path, do not let us make mistakes, do not lead us into astray, and enlighten our wisdom so that our 'holz' "Continuously improving, all-American.

  The "New Collection of Woerz Lectures" must be studied and studied carefully among imams and mullahs. I hope that mosques around the world will use this book when they talk about "Wolze". By speaking the new "Wolz" to preach the correct teachings and canons to the Muslims, increase their religious knowledge and improve their understanding of the Islamic spirit. Strengthen their ability to consciously resist crooked teachings. It is necessary to educate people with the belief of respecting the Lord and the Holy Spirit, teach people with the thought of patriotism and love for religion, shape people with a sense of unity and peace, cultivate people with the spirit of exhorting good and abstaining from evil, and improve the quality of all Chinese Muslims.

  Finally, I hope that the great imams, great mullahs, and darlings of the whole country will come to care, support and help the work of speaking about the new "Woltz", which is a common cause of ours. Through the joint efforts of everyone, more and better new "Wolz" will be written that enlighten the soul, strengthen the faith, love the country and religion, and inspire progress, so that the truth of Islam will be more closely integrated with the reality of Muslim life in our country. May Allah help us to succeed. Amin!