The Great Abu Talib (A.S.) [Poem]

By: Saleha Fatima Midhat Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib The Ma’sumeen were Allah’s light – Abu Talib protected light The Ma’sumeen were life of Islam – Abu Talib protected Islam Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib How can we praise you Abu Talib – The prophet praised you Abu Talib You were the mercy of Allah – For greatest Prophet of Allah Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib One day Allah said to Nabi - When We found you orphan, Nabi! O Nabi We gave you protection - Through you God gave him protection Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib No tongue of human can praise you – Indirectly Allah praised you You were so great, great and great! - Meccans’ leader in rank so great! Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib The guarded tablet Laoh-e-Mahfooz - God wrote your name on Laoh-e-Mahfooz As father of greatest Imam – The great savior of Islam Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Allah sent name plate of heaven - With names of Imams by Him chosen With names of Imams, father and mother – of Maola Ali you as father Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib In childhood Prophet raised his hand - Tall date tree bowed and kissed his hand He plucked the dates gave to his aunt – Astonished was his caring aunt Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You said, innocent Fatima - God will give us son Fatima Who will have power of miracles - He will do similar miracles Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib This showed that God gave you knowledge - It was the great and vast knowledge Before the birth of your great son - You knew miracles of your son Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Who can know your high position - O greatest Prophet’s guardian You were to Prophet Muhammad – Like father to God’s beloved Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You gave him love and protection - To him offered dedication You brought him up like your own son - showering love on greatest one Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You said performing his Nikah - All the praise is due to Allah Those words were liked by Allah Subhan - He mentioned those words in Qur’an Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Before advent of Deen Islam - Abu Talib you were great man Who praised Allah, the Almighty - had faith in Allah, the Almighty Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib When Prophet declared Prophet hood - Invited guests and offered food He did miracle on the food - Like power of Moses on the food Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib He offered food in just one plate – From single plate forty guests ate He said its proof of my power - - I’m God’s Messenger with power Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Abu Lahab said it is magic - He ignored Prophet hood logic Muhammad could split the moon - The magic cannot reach the moon Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Abu Lahab gave wrong feelings - Abu Talib knew good dealings The next day too Satanic man - Wanted to poison ears of clan Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Abu Talib, you controlled him well - Made Abu Lahab sit quiet and still Then said Muhammad my Master - The message now you deliver Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Abu Talib, you were helper - Of Muhammad, God’s Messenger And always you protected him - So enemies could not kill him Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib One day enemies came to you - Surrender Muhammad said to you You stood like very strong mountain - Protected him again and again Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Quraish broke all the relations - And continued their oppressions You took Muhammad to Sho’b - Muslims, Bani Hashim to Sho’b Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Lack of food and lack of comfort - You suffered but you stayed alert You wanted to sacrifice sons - On Prophet’s bed you laid your sons Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib There was fear of enemies’ attack - You wanted sons to face attacks To get slaughtered and roll in blood - To save Prophet’s unique blood Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Protected Prophet with courage - Allah’s Messenger sent message Through you that eaten was paper - By white ants the boycott paper Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You took message and explained it - That Quraish should open, check it You said Allah’s and Prophet’s names - Untouched by white ants were those names Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You said if news found to be true - They accept Islam, faith so true By this sentence you expressed faith - That Islam was the truest faith Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib They checked the paper and were shocked – By seeing miracle they were shocked They released Bani Hashim and Nabi - All returned home by God’s mercy Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib More than eighty years was age - But you had very high courage Physically were exhausted - But spiritually elevated Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib You came home and you got so ill - Death was so near you expressed will You said in heart you were Muslim - And you were dying as Muslim Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib Kalema was whisper in the past - Recited loud in days of last Took last breath O Abu Talib! - Reached Almighty O Abu Talib Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib With dignity died as Muslim - Got shrouded, buried as Muslim Respect you all the true Muslims - To you offer salutes Muslims Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib O people you should think never - That Abu Talib was unbeliever He was Muslim perfect Muslim - He did favors to all Muslims! Billions of salutes to Abu Talib – To fourteen Ma’sumeen and Abu Talib He protected Master of Muslims - He protected leader of Muslims He gave shelter to faith Islam - He helped to propagate Islam. Guardian of Prophet Ali’s father - He was the pride of believer He was the savior of Islam - And Ali was savior of Islam Source: