Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom

Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom

Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom

Author :


Interpreter :

Arthur N. Wollaston

Publication year :


Publisher :

John Murray

Publish location :


Number of volumes :


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Sadi's Scroll of Wisdom

This short book is part of the Wisdom of the East series. The Persian poet Sadi, best known for his poetic collections the Bustan and Gulistan, also wrote this work, the Pand Namah, or Scroll of Wisdom. This is a small collection of poems on moral themes. "SHAIKH MUSLIH-UD-DIN SADI, the celebrated Persian poet, was born at Shiraz between the years 1175 and 1193 of the Christian era. His father, whose name was Abdullah, is generally supposed to have held some minor post about the Court of the Atabak ruler of Fars, by name Sa'd bin Zangi (A.D. 1195–1226), from whom was derived the poetical nom de plume of Sadi. He commenced his studies in his native city, whence after a while he removed to the Muhammadan College of Baghdad, where it chanced that a rich native gentleman, being informed of the young student's want of means, befriended the lad, who was fortunate enough to obtain assistance, also, from a Professor in the College. In due course Sadi gained a fellowship. He thereupon abandoned himself to a contemplative life and the study of divinity, while his pious and devotional aspirations found vent in a pilgrimage to Mecca—an act of holy zeal which he repeated no less than fourteen times, chiefly on foot. Of a religious disposition, Sadi in due course obtained a reputation for holiness, which culminated in the title of "Shaikh" (a man of dignity and position), by which he became generally known."