Fundamentals of Islam
Fundamentals of Islam
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Beirut, Lebanon
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Fundamentals of Islam
In this brief discourse the author outlines the five axioms of Islam (Usul el Deen), which are the Oneness of God, Divine Justice, Prophethood, Imamah (leadership of mankind) and Resurrection. In addressing the role and significance of the holy Qur'an, the author then presents various hadiths narrated from the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (s), and the infallible Imams (as). In the third section of this work, the author presents a question and answer dialogue on the Islamic system of government, discussing such a system from the various domains of politics, economics, the army, freedom, peace, judicial system, health, education, family. Through this discussion the author establishes that a government based on the teachings of Islam would provide the most favourable system of government for mankind. In the final part of this work, the author lists some of the haram (forbidden) actions or conducts an individual may come across in everyday affairs. Also included separately are lists of the ‘detestable’ and the ‘ethically desirable conducts.