Hajj Rituals
Hajj Rituals
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Hajj Rituals
Hajj (pilgrimage) means visiting the House of Allah (Ka‟bah), and performing acts which are called „Manasik‟ (those worshipful acts which have been ordered to be performed there), and it is obligatory on a person once in his lifetime, provided that he fulfills the following conditions: 1- He/She should be Baligh. 2- He/She should be sane and free. 3- Because of proceeding to Makkah for Hajj, he/she should not be compelled to forsake an obligatory act which is more important than Hajj, nor should he/she be obliged to commit a haraam act, avoidance of which is more important than Hajj. 4- He/She should be capable of performing Hajj, and this depends upon number of factors: