It Feels Like Somebody Lied to Me
It Feels Like Somebody Lied to Me
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It Feels Like Somebody Lied to Me
This title is not meant to offend anyone. It is my own personal feeling. I was a Christian for 40 years and still could not understand what the Minister was saying. I was reading the Bible, sometimes. Like most Christians I didn't understand it. I kept telling myself I want to go to Heaven. What do I have to do? I believed I had done what God wanted me to do. My family was teaching me from the Bible. When I read on my own I couldn't understand it. I was going to Sunday school every week, Bible Study on Wednesday, Revival Meetings with my uncle, and Bible camp in the summer. I can still remember waking up crying in the middle of the night. Dreaming I was going to go to Hell. I called my uncle on the telephone and woke him up. I really wanted to know the truth and I couldn't find it. I just couldn't understand from the teaching of the Bible. Looking back I now realize why I was so confused. Because as a Christian, I never believed I would go to heaven. This hopelessness led me to ask questions that no Christian could answer.