Muhammad (saws) A Great Blessing
Muhammad (saws) A Great Blessing
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Muhammad (saws) A Great Blessing
Without doubt the Ummah of the final Prophet s has been blessed like no other. To be a part of the Ummah of the greatest of Allāh’s S creation, the most special and beloved to Allāh S, is a status beyond any. However, it is pitiful that despite being blessed with this great fortune, the Ummah today has forgotten its roots. It knows too little of the life of the Greatest of Mankind to be able to appreciate and follow His example. The Ṣaḥābah y, and thereafter the pious predecessors, valued this connection, and their lives were remarkable living examples of how valuable this connection is. Their statements, poetic expressions and detailed narratives of not only incidents from the life of Rasūlullāh s but also his features and habits have left a treasure for this Ummah to benefit from. Many dedicated their lives to this, and to this day the ‘Ulamā and pious individuals of this Ummah continue to strive to revive the sīrah and sunnah of Rasūlullāh s. Those who have had the opportunity of affiliation with the respected Shaykh-al-Ḥadīth, Shaykh Mawlānā Muhammad Saleem Dhorat ḥafiẓahullāh will have witnessed this fact. His passion and drive to bring about a strong and lasting connection between the Ummah and Rasūlullāh s is beyond measure. In a lecture, one of many on the life of Rasūlullāh s, entitled ‘Muḥammad s – ek aẓīm ni‘mat’ (‘Muḥammad s – A Great Blessing’), the respected Shaykh enlightened the audience with incidents, couplets and quotes regarding the greatness of the Prophet s, to create an awareness of the great being whom not only this Ummah, but the entire creation is indebted to, and will continue to be indebted to. This lecture was rendered into book form, originally in the Urdu language, and now in English in order to benefit a wider audience. It is hoped that this book will serve as a means of rekindling the flame of love for Rasūlullāh s in the hearts of every reader, and of reviving his blessed sunnah.