Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth

Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth

Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth

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Muhammad`s Prohethood Reality or Myth

Mohammad's Prophethood " Reality or Myth " By : Abdu-Radhi Muhammad'Abdul Mohsin. No other personality in history has generated more debate than that of the Prophet of islam Muhammah ! He 's been ranked the number one most influential man in human history ! Not by a muslim but by a Westerner ! Was he a Prophet or an Imposter ? Did Moses really tell of his coming ? Did Jesus order future generation to follow him ? Does the bible describe him and his message ? if you have been contemplating these questions, you will find answer in this book. It Will Shock you , Soothe you , Make you cry , But Most of all it will educate you.