Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Mercy to all Creation

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Mercy to all Creation

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Mercy to all Creation

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Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) A Mercy to all Creation

The moment modern man is ready to cast aside his blinkered lenses of prejudice and vain pride, he will understand that the eternal truth called ‘ISLAM’ and the final Prophet named ‘MUHAMMAD’ were not something special or essential to the Arabia of 14 centuries ago, but are capable of remarkably solving the complex issues of our era, the Space Age. Islam is a derivative of the word ‘Salaam’ (peace) and literally means submission. Submission to none except the One and only Almighty God, Who designed this vast universe, shaped the human race as the most excellent form of life, and moreover endowed them the power of intellect. Wonderful indeed! Because this unique submission frees mankind from all other forms of submission to idols, object ideas and the supposedly mysterious powers of nature. As it is quite clear, Islam was not just some spontaneous burst or mirage on the burning sands of Arabia. In fact it marks the culmination and perfectness of all previous divine messages ever revealed. And to carry out the great task of proclaiming His final message, the Almighty chose Muhammad (the Admirable) as the last Prophet, who was prophesied in all earlier Scriptures and whose life-style serves as a perfect model for us.