The Mahdi Maud (AS)
The Mahdi Maud (AS)
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First Edition
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Akbar Bagh, Malakpet Hyderabad
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The Mahdi Maud (AS)
Janab SYED ALI BARTAR Sahib, M.A., M.Ed., District Education Officer (Retd.) and Lecturer, Sultan-ul-Uloom College of Education, Banjara Hills. Hyderabad, A.P. Praise be to Allah and Durood-o-Salaam on Khate-Main (peace be upon them). I consider it a great honour to write the introduction to this book on the life and teachings of Hazrat Syed Mohammed Jaunpuri, Mahdi-e-Maud Alaihi-Wa-Salam. Hazrat Syed Mohammed Jaunpuri Mahdi (AHS) is Khatim-e-Wilayat-e-Mohammedia, Khalifatullah, a Saviour of Ummat-e-Mohammedia as per the traditions of Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him). Allah sent him into this world to spread the true Islamic teachings of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) and to convey to the people the true meaning of the Quran as revealed by Allah Himself. He traveled a very long distance on Hijarat, claimed himself to be Mahdi-e-Maud (AHS) on the commandments received from Allah, wrote letters to kings inviting them to test and acknowledge his Mahdiat and established true Islam once again on Earth. Great Ulema of his times praised the depth of his learning and scholarship and acknowledged his services to Islam. It is a matter of great joy that the author has ventured to write this short biography of such a great and important soul. There are some books on the life of Mahdi-e-Maud (AHS) in Persian and Urdu, but, to the best of my knowledge, there is no printed book in English on him. In his preface to the book, the author has explained why he chose to write this book in English, hence I need not elaborate on that here. Written in an easy and lucid style the book is very readable. Where no equivalent word could be found in English the original Persian or Urdu word has been retained. However the author has taken the trouble to explain these words in English. This I think is the right way to deal with these important words. The author has read various Urdu and Persian books on the life of Hazrat Mahdi (AHS) and has given references for the events mentioned. This has made the work very authentic.
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