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In the name of the merciful and merciful Allah
translation sequence
To those who hope for Allah and the end, and remember Allah at all times, the Messenger of Allah is an excellent example for you. - ("Qur'an" 33; 21) Prophet! I have indeed sent you as a witness, as an Annunciation, as a warning test, as a splendid lamp who calls people to Allah at the command of Allah . - ("Qur'an" chapter 33; verses 45, 46) You are indeed of great character. ("Quran" 68:4) My mission is to promote all virtues. - ("Bukhari Hadith"). The best of you are the ones who have never given up the hereafter for the present, and have never given up the present for the hereafter. So don't be a parasite, but depend on others. ——("Muslim Hadith")