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The Complete Book of Talmud Wisdom takes the Talmud as a guide to conduct and conduct. In Hebrew, "Talmud" means "Talmud" Great Study", an important book on Jews as a norm of life.  In 586 BC, after the Jewish kingdom was destroyed, a large number of Jews were reduced to "Babylonian captives". In this way, Babylon gradually developed into the main cultural and spiritual center of the Jewish people, gathered many influential Jewish sages and religious researchers, and formed a class of scholars with high prestige and leadership. Taking the responsibility of maintaining Jewish traditions and Jewish spiritual values, they devoted themselves to the study of theology, wrote books, and compiled a collection of Jewish oral laws between the 2nd and 6th centuries AD, namely the "Babylonian Talmud" and "Palestinian Talmud" De", collectively referred to as "Talmud", formed the Talmud culture. Since the "Babylonian Talmud" was compiled after the "Palestine Talmud", it was studied by rabbis who were proficient in the Law of Moses, and it was mainly practiced in the actual life of the Jews, so its legal authority far surpassed that of the "Palestine Talmud". Talmud". The Talmud in the general sense refers to the Babylonian Talmud.  Throughout the Middle Ages, European Jews were very active in the study of the Talmud. To this day, Orthodox Judaism still believes that the Torah contained in the Talmud was inspired by God, and the work of interpreting and supplementing this collection of laws continues. In 1948, when Israel was restored, Jewish culture was revived, and the Talmud was again valued. Orthodox Judaism studies the Talmud seriously and tries to make the Talmud the law of the state of Israel.