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奉普慈特慈安拉之名 一切赞颂全归安拉,独一的,全能的,伟大的,至赦的主,他以夜辅昼,以便有心灵有眼光的人觉醒,以便有理智有思考的人领悟。衆生中,他让他选择的人醒悟,让他们谈忘尘世,并让他们忙於对主的敬畏和不断地思考、领会和参悟。他默助他们坚持善行,爲永久的宅园做准备,谨防主的恼恨和导致火狱的因素,并且持之以恒,无论环境和时代的变化。 我赞颂安拉,最深刻,最纯洁,最广泛,最完美地赞颂他。我作证:万物非主,只有安拉,仁爱的,尊贵的,怜悯的,特慈的主。我作证:穆罕默德是他的仆人,他的使者,他的朋友,他的至交,引人于正道,召人於正信的使者。愿安拉的赐福和平安与他以及万圣每一个後裔和一切清廉者同在。 清高的安拉说:“我造化精灵和人类,只爲要他们崇拜我,我不要他们的供给,我也不要他们奉养我。”(51:56 57)这节经文阐明造化他们的目的是爲了崇拜。所以他们必须注重他们被造化的目的,不要贪婪今世的物质享受。因爲它腐朽的不永久的住所,是过河的船只,不是安乐的家园,是行将消失的,不是永久的。因此,世上最聪明的是敬拜安拉的人,人类中最理智的人是不贪今世的人。安拉说:“今世的生活就像我从天上降下雨水,於是大地上人吃的和牲畜吃的植物以此茂盛起来;直到大地披上盛装,打扮得很美丽,人们猜想他们可以获得丰收的时候,我的命令在黑夜或白昼降临它,我使庄稼只留下茬儿,仿佛昨天就没有生长过植物。就这样,我爲关於思考的人们解释许多迹象。”(10:24)这方面的经文很多,诗人说得好: 安拉有一些明白的仆人 他们不贪今世以防诱惑 通过观察他们知道 今世不是故乡,而是汹涌的海洋 於是他们以清廉的善功做航舟 准备着艰难的远航 Now that we know the current situation and our future and purpose of life, the servants on duty must choose the goals of the sages, follow the path of the wise and wise, be careful and prepare for the future. And the most correct and dignified way is to follow the correct instruction of our Prophet Muhammad, the leader of all mankind, the most honorable teacher. Allah said: "You do not help each other out of justice and fear." (5:2) The Messenger of Allah said: "As long as a servant helps his brother, Allah will help him." And he said: "Whoever Instruct others to do a good deed, and he will receive the same reward." He also said: "Whoever calls people to the right way will be rewarded by all followers, and the rewards of followers will not be reduced in the slightest." Ali said: "I swear by the Lord, Allah guides a person with you. For you, it is better than the red camel. " With healing, physical and mental care and correct behavior, etc., the correct hadiths urgently needed by those who recognize the Lord and worship the Lord are compiled into a collection, in order to obtain the blessings of the future, the inner virtues of worshiping the Lord, the good behavior of the Lord, and try to collect encouragement and warnings, etc. Necessary lessons for fighters. I have collected as many hadiths as possible from the correct and well-known scriptures. Each chapter begins with a Qur'anic verse and is annotated with some precious information. After the hadith, the source is marked. Refers to Bukhari and Muslims. When this hadith comes out, I hope it will urge all those who care about it to be more active in all kinds of good deeds and prevent them from falling into all evil and sin. I implore the brothers who benefit from this book to do Dua for me and my parents, my teachers, our dear brothers and all Muslims. I rely only on and entrust to the great Allah, who satisfies me, the reliable Lord so beautiful! Can not be powerless, only by the great and wise Allah.