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Did you see that the earth was desolate, and when Allah rained on it, it began to sprout, swell, resurrect after death, and give birth to all kinds of beautiful plants?   Before the birth of the Muslim Brotherhood, this was the case in Islam Umay in the middle of the fourteenth century of the Islamic calendar - the caliphate system, which was the symbol of Islamic unity, was disintegrated, and the Islamic state was disintegrated under the iron shoes of British, French and other colonialism, and even the population was only Millions of Holland rule Indonesia with a population of nearly 100 million!...Islamic law is abolished, the Quran is abandoned, man-made laws, Western traditions, and foreign values ​​dominate the lives of Muslims, especially among them The intellectual class... Thus, a large number of people with Islamic names and European ideas emerged. The corruption left over from the period of Muslim decline, combined with the corruption introduced by the colonists, made the situation of Muslims worse and more miserable than ever.   However, Allah has promised to protect the Quran, to make Islam last forever and to conquer all religions. Therefore, Allah will produce a new generation of young warriors for this religion, and inject new life and vitality into the rigid Islamic Umay, so, The Muslim Brotherhood movement flourished, and Hassan Baner, the founder of this great movement, came into being. For fifty years, this movement has had an indelible impact in all areas of the Islamic world. The purpose of this book is not to create a biography of the Fraternity movement, nor to describe the impact of this movement on Egyptian society and Islamic society in general - this is far from the ability of one person, but the fraternity group. responsibility. It is true that the Brotherhood has been beaten and persecuted through the ages to give some reason to give up this writing.   Here I only touch on one aspect of this great movement - education, the educational policy that the Brotherhood understands and practices from Islam. I do not intend to cover this area in detail, but to give an outline, a brief outline, aimed at clarifying the Brotherhood's educational philosophy and their efforts to bring this idea to life.   Needless to say, the Fraternity Movement successfully embodies the true Islamic model of education. Its most important achievement is to forge a new generation of Muslims: they correctly understand Islam, firmly believe in Islam, and can Islamize themselves and their families. The unity and unity of the fight goes on... Here are the secrets to the success of this movement:   (一)坚信教育是改革社会、铸造人材、实现理想的唯一途径。伊玛目哈桑.班那认为,教育事业任重道远,艰难坎坷,只有少数具坚强意志的人才能胜任。然而,班那也非常清楚,教育是实现目标的无可代替的媒介,正是通过教育途径,穆圣铸造了第一代畏主守法的精英,后来,那一代精英又肩负了教育人民、导人正义的使命。 (二)卓有成效的教育方针。它目标明确,步骤鲜明,来源清晰,体系完整,形式多样,建立在毫不含糊的源自伊斯兰的方法论牙口价值观之上。   (三)由组织所体现的积极向上的集体主义氛围。这一氛围通过启发诱导、以身作则、情感交流、共同参与等途径,使每个穆斯林兄弟的生活伊斯兰化。俗话说,孤掌难鸣,人多势众。何况集体是向善和服从的有机力量,是避免犯罪的盾牌。“安拉同大众在一起;狼吃的只是失群的羊”。   (四)集教育家和领袖于一身的卓越领导人。安拉赐予他非凡的信念和思想,凡是与他接触的人无不受其感染和影响。他仿佛是不断供给他人电源的发电机。发自肺腑的语言方能深入人心,而心不在焉的话语只能成为人们的耳边风;具有活的心灵的人,才能感化共听众和追随者,而麻木不 仁者,绝不会复活他人的心灵。己所不具,何以予人?现实中的英雄岂能与舞台上的演员同日而语? (五)一批忠诚而强有力的教育家。他们对自己领袖的教育方针深信不疑,他们紧随领袖的后尘,去影响和铸造他们的学生,然后,他们的学生又成为后来者的导师…… 这里所说的“教育家”并非指高等教育学院的毕业生,或硕士生、博士学位的获得者,而是指这样一些人:他们具有高尚的信仰,强悍的灵魂,不屈的意志,深沉的情感,感人的魅力……或许他们中有人是工程师,有人是普通职员,有人是商人,有人是工人,等等,总之,是一些与教育学无缘的人。   (六)形式多样、富于弹性的教育媒介。这些媒介有些是个人性的,有些是集体性的,有些是理论性的,有些是实践性的,有些是理性的,有些是情感的,有些是正面的,有些是反面的……从学习小组到讲演、讲座、座谈会、个别谈心,从脍炙人口的格言到震憾人心的口号、优美动人的歌曲。在家里举行周期性小组会面,进行古兰诵读、学术交流、集体拜功、兄弟互识等活动,每个小组称为“家庭”,表达同家庭儿女之间的骨肉亲爱关系。还有其他一些在兄弟会各分部举行的聚会,旨在更新思想、增强信仰,这种晚间的聚会,称之为“分遣队”,以示吉哈德之意。还有其它许许多多教育方法和途径,意在铸造不折不扣的穆斯林。 每一种教育,取决于教育目的。甚至动物的饲养也不例外。比如,奶牛的饲养方法不同于肉牛,这两者的饲养方法又有别于耕牛。   人与教育的关系也是这样。存在主义者的教育不同于共产主义者,这两者又不同于资产阶级分子或资本家的教育,这一切又与穆斯林的教育截然有别。同时,因袭盲从的穆斯林的教育不同于积极进取的穆斯林的教育;由古兰支配的社会中的穆斯林教育,有别于蒙昧主义与伊斯兰角逐的社会中的穆斯林教育…… 是的,有一些穆斯林,他们仅仅满足于伊斯兰中的礼拜、斋戒、赞词和祷文,当有人在他们面前提到伊斯兰和穆斯林的现状时,他们除了念“依托词”和“回归词”外,别无表示;而另一些穆斯林,他们为伊斯兰的事业而热血沸腾,为穆斯林的现状而痛心疾首,他们进而把那种热血和忧患化为活生生的动力,去工作,去拼搏……这两种穆斯林的教育怎能相提并论呢?   这便是名副其实的穆斯林——他并不屈服于现实,而是奉安拉之命改变现实;他并不以前定为借口,而是坚信自己是安拉无可阻当的前定规律中的主动因素,他所肩负的,是建立一种使命,铸造一种“伍麦”,复兴一种文明。这种使命,“纵贯古今,广及全球,包罗两世:”这种伍麦,享有最好的天经,拥有最伟大的先知,被作为世人最优秀的共同体,成为中正不偏的伍麦,并被赋予教导世人、见证世人的殊荣;这种文明,集天启性、人性、世界性、道德性于一体,使科学与信仰协调并进,物质与精神并贺齐驱,今世和后世高度融合。它保护人类的特性,捍卫人类的尊严…… 培育这种模式的穆斯林,是兄弟会运动的首要使命。这是建设自身、改革社会的起点,是重建伊斯兰社会的必由之路。 根据兄弟会的理解与实践,伊斯兰教育具有一些无与伦比的特点,主要有:灵魂陶冶、无所不及、不偏不倚、积极进取、兄弟情义与集体精神、自成体系等。我们将根据本书的篇幅,分别探讨这些特点。愿安拉使我们成功!优素福.克尔塔威博士