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Preface to the Chinese Translation of "The Way of the Words"
Author: Anonymous Article Source: Original Hits: 294 Update Time: 2009-6-25 22:31:51

Mahdi Mahdavi Pour, Cultural Counselor of the Iranian Embassy in China

  This book is a collection of the speeches of Imam Ali. It is beautifully written, concise, and rhetorical. It can be called a model of Arabic literature. It was compiled into a volume by the famous Iraqi scholar Syed Leidi (970-1016) and named it "The Way of Words" ("NAHJUL BALAGHA").   Imam Ali grew up with the Prophet since childhood, got along with the Prophet day and night, listened to the Prophet's teachings, and witnessed the Prophet's actions.   Among the Prophet's disciples, Imam Ali is the closest to the Prophet. He is both the Prophet's cousin and the Prophet's proud son-in-law. Islamic scholars agree that Imam Ali is the most proficient in the scriptures of Allah and the Sunna of the Prophet among the disciples of the Holy Family, and has the most knowledge; "Allah's lion"; he enforces the law strictly and is the most just; he is not greedy for material pleasures, and is the most indifferent to fame and fortune; he is loyal to the great cause of Islam and has the most selfless dedication; whether writing or speaking, his language is always condensed, Elegant in style, longer than words.   The Prophet has repeatedly emphasized: "I am the city of learning, and Ali is the gate of the city." ① This means that those who seek knowledge must pass through this gate to enter the city of learning. Imam is the only holy disciple who dares to openly say to people, "Before you lose me, ask me questions!" ②. The second caliph, Umar, said to people several times on different occasions: "If there is no Ali, I am sure that Umar is dead."③   Ali, the leader of the believers, delivered a large number of profound speeches at the mosque, including short and concise improvisations, and even more rational and thorough long-form works. These speeches are constructed together with the letters, instructions, and admonitions he wrote to military and political leaders in various places. It is a treasure house of wisdom full of poetry and philosophy. Most of them have become famous sayings and aphorisms that people scramble to pass on and pass down through the ages, which is a precious spiritual wealth left by the Imam to future generations. This book selects only a part of them.   伊玛目阿里的言论内容非常广泛,小到日常生活中的细节问题,大到深奥的认主学、宇宙论 和人类学领域都有精辟独到的见解及其论述。因此,他的人格地位,他的崇高威望并非囿于 穆斯林内部,许多基督教徒等非穆斯林人士对伊玛目亦推崇备至,倍加赞赏,并就此写过不 少 著作。黎巴嫩著名基督教学者吉尔德•吉尔达格在其阿拉伯文专著《阿里——人类正义之声 》中认为阿里是公正的楷模,他号召所有的人们向阿里学习公正处事。   伊玛目阿里公正廉洁的例子不胜枚举。在他执政期间,来自麦地那的两位要员台勒哈、祖拜 尔, 有一个晚上到他办公室见他,他首先问:你们要谈的是与穆斯林大众有关的公务,还是你们 个人的私事?他们回答说:是与您有关的私事。这时,伊玛目阿里把灯灭掉后说:这盏灯所 烧的油属于穆斯林大众所有的国库财产,不该用于处理私人事务。有一次,伊玛目的兄长阿 盖伊勒向他诉说,家里孩子多,家庭负担沉重,生活需求不断增加,请求伊玛目为其增加年 金。伊玛目严厉地对他说:你怎能因为我们是弟兄关系而向我要求增加年金呢?在我这里人 人平等,你也不例外,你的年金与他人一样,不得多取。   世界上哪里去找这样的领袖,能如此镇定自若地对待那个在去清真寺做晨礼时用毒剑刺中自 己头 部并最终导致自己牺牲的杀人凶犯伊本•穆勒介姆呢?在他牺牲前,头受重伤,身卧病榻还 惦记着杀害自己的凶手,他平静地对周围的人说:你们要和蔼地对待这个穆勒介姆,把你们 送来给我的这种饭,送一份给他。若我因中其一剑而亡,作为抵偿,你们也只能刺其一剑; 如果我幸存下来,他也没有死,那么,我知道该怎样对待他,但愿他不要受到虐待(言下之 意是说,我可能会原谅他)。   对于当代人处理政治、社会、道德和教育问题而言,《辞章之道》无疑是一部非常适宜的指 导性著作。伊玛目阿里在自己的言论中告诉你:怎样生活才不至于让你的尊严变为物质享受 的无谓牺牲品;在生活的沉浮中如何把握自己,依靠信仰和敬畏安拉的力量去奋斗和搏击; 怎样才能真正地获得名符其实的安宁与平静;怎样才能拥有给人类生活带来幸福与光明的美 好而高尚的道德情操。他还教给你追求、勇气和自制,以及克服困难达到崇高目标所需要 的远大志向的方法。   伊玛目要求人们去认识安拉——我们所生存的这个世界的创造者。他指出,人类如果认识了 自己就认识了安拉。人类是安拉在这个世界上所创造的最尊贵的生物,他们是无价的瑰宝, 是世界万物之灵,他们具有无穷的获取自身完美的潜在能力。人类在世界上最重要的职责就 是培育自己的心灵、完成自我修养和寻求精神的完美。   伊玛目在自己的言论中,还教导人们在经济生活中营谋和推动社会进步的具体方法。尽管他 主张人类不该在今世生活中将自己的全部精力投身于此。   关于如何实施仁政,正确治理国家,服务人民大众并尊重他们的人格,伊玛目阿里多有精妙 之论。同时,他主张领导权是保障人民权利的手段,而不是个人追求的最终目标。   综上所述,我们应该把《辞章之道》作为指导人们社会生活不可多得的经典著作来看待。为 了满足热爱世界文化尤其是阿拉伯—伊斯兰文化的中国兄弟姐妹们的需求,深感有必要将 此书译成中文,但它又是一部充满美妙修辞的古典阿拉伯语作品,有一定的难度。现在这项 艰巨而浩繁的工作已由我们尊敬的穆斯林学者麦哈穆德•谢姆苏丁 •张志华教授完成。张教授是一位治学严谨,具有忘我精神的阿拉伯—伊斯兰历史、文化 研究专家 ,他不仅将全书译成流畅的中文,而且还作了客观、详尽的注释。在这里谨向他致以诚挚的 谢意,并祈求清高的安拉厚报他两世吉庆与幸福。   Finally, I hope that my respected readers and friends will read this beautifully written, rich in content and philosophical translation with rational thinking and an objective attitude. In addition to getting a glimpse of the major political, historical events and military conflicts that occurred in the early period of Islam and after the death of the Prophet, readers can understand their ins and outs, and they can also appreciate the rhetorical beauty of the classical Arabic language.   Notes:   ① See Ibn al-Asakri al-Shafi'i "The History of Damascus", "Ali ibn Abi Talib" (Beirut Edition), Vol. 2, pp. 464, 984, 980, 986, 988, etc. place. Ibn Asir Shafir, The Lion of the Forest, vol. 4, p. 22. Su Yutu, "History of the Caliphate", page 170. There are many sources of this hadith, so I will not list them all here. ② See Ibn Asakri al-Shafir's "Biography of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Beirut Edition)" in "History of Damascus", vol. 3, pp. 23-24. ③ Ibid., pp. 43-44, and article 327 of the chapter "The Virtues of Ali" in Ahmad bin Hanbali's Virtues.