Al-Kafi: The Book of Reason and Ignorance /Volume 1

Al-Kafi: The Book of Reason and Ignorance /Volume 1

Al-Kafi: The Book of Reason and Ignorance /Volume 1

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Tehran, Iran

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Al-Kafi: The Book of Reason and Ignorance /Volume 1

Kitab al-Kafi •Compiled by Muhammad Ya‘qub Kulayniin 3rd century Hijri, it is divided into three sections: 1.Usulal-Kafi, which is concerned with the principles of religion 2.Furual-Kafi, which is concerned with the details of religious law 3.Rawdatal-Kafi, which is concerned with various religious aspects and includes some writings of the Im?ms •In total, al-Kafi comprises of about 16,000 narrations •The author states that this book would be sufficient for all the needs of a believer as it includes all branches of religious knowledge •He further says in his preface that he only collected ahadithhe thought were important •He left the verification of these ahadithup to later scholars. Here is the volume 1 of Al-Kafi," The Book of Reason and Ignorance"